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Theme Changes
Changes from v3.0 to v3.1 <td valign="bottom"> <?php print_theme_dropdown(); ?></td> style.css Removed .footer class Renamed .helpstart class to .helpstart0 Added the following styelsheets ul{ padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; margin: 8px; } .button { width: 60px } .person_boxNN { background-color: #FFFFFF; border: solid #9CA3D4 1px; } .sex_image { height: 9px; width: 9px; margin-right: 3px; } .selected-option { background-color: #D6E0EA; } .cal_day { float: left; font-weight: bold; } .rtl_cal_day { direction: rtl; float: right; color: blue; font-weight: bold; } .helpstart1 { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: Blue; font-size: 14px; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; } .helpstart2 { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; } #content { margin-left: 1px; } #footer { clear: both; COLOR: #000000; font-family: times, times new roman, serif; font-size: 12px; width: 99%; } .small_inner_block { height: 250px; overflow: auto; FONT: 10px times, times new roman, serif; text-decoration: none; } .block { background-color: #D6E0EA; COLOR: #000000; border: solid #9CA3D4 1px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: top; margin: 1px; padding: 1px; } #index_title { float: left; clear: none; width: 74%; } #index_main_blocks { clear: none; width: 74%; float: left; } #index_small_blocks { clear: none; width: 25%; float: right; } #random_picture { text-align: center; } #random_picture .small_inner_block { height: 200px; } /*-- pedigree chart specific stylesheets --*/ #pedigree_chart { position: absolute; top: 175px; left: 0px; } /*-- pedigree chart rtl specific stylesheets --*/ #pedigree_chart_rtl { position: absolute; float: right; top: 175px; right: 0px; } /*-- descendancy chart specific stylesheets --*/ #descendancy_chart { position: absolute; top: 270px; left: 0px; } /*-- descendancy chart rtl specific stylesheets --*/ #descendancy_chart_rtl { position: absolute; float: right; top: 270px; right: 0px; } /*-- relationship chart specific stylesheets --*/ #relationship_chart { position: relative; top: -40px; left: 0px; } sublinks.html Added "alt" properties to images theme.php The following variables were added $print_stylesheet = $THEME_DIR."print.css"; //-- CSS level 2 print stylesheet to use $PGV_USE_HELPIMG = true; // set to true to use image for help questionmark, set to false to use $pgv_lang["qm"] $PGV_SEX_IMG = "male.gif"; $PGV_SEXF_IMG = "female.gif"; $PGV_SEXN_IMG = "fe_male.gif"; $PGV_SMALL_SEX_IMG = "small/male.gif"; $PGV_SMALL_SEXF_IMG = "small/female.gif"; $PGV_SMALL_SEXN_IMG = "small/fe_male.gif"; $PGV_SMALL_SEARCH_IMG = "small/search.gif"; $PGV_DARROW_IMG = "darrow.gif"; $PGV_DARROW2_IMG = "darrow2.gif"; $CHARTS_CLOSE_HTML = true; //-- should the charts, pedigree, descendacy, etc clost the HTML on the pageThe following variables were changed $baseyoffset = 0; // -- position the entire pedigree tree relative to the top of the page $basexoffset = 0; // -- position the entire pedigree tree relative to the left of the page $Dbaseyoffset = 0; // -- position the entire descendancy tree relative to the top of the page $Dbasexoffset = 0; // -- position the entire descendancy tree relative to the left of the page toplinks.html & were converted to & The following "view by year" menu item was added to the calendar menu $submenu = array(); $submenu["label"] = $pgv_lang["viewyear"]; $submenu["labelpos"] = "right"; $submenu["icon"] = "$PGV_IMAGE_DIR/$PGV_SMALL_CALENDAR_IMG"; $submenu["link"] = "calendar.php?action=year"; $submenu["class"] = "submenuitem"; $submenu["hoverclass"] = "submenuitem_hover"; $menu["items"][] = $submenu; Copyright © 2009 PhpGedView Team Members