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Please choose from the following add-on
modules below to learn more:
Thanks to Jim Carey (ozcoz) who has developed the module files to integrate phpGedView with PostNuke. You may build your own custom modules for enhanced privacy or authentication options. You should be familiar with PHP before attempting to customize the modules. You may want to customize the privacy module to perform additional functions such as adding additional access levels or permissions based on user name. To build a custom privacy module, create a new file that implements the functions in the privacy.php file. Then configure phpGedView to use this new file as its privacy module. PhpGedview only requires that the functions in that file be defined in order to work. You may define any additional function or variables that you need. By customizing the authentication module you can setup phpGedView to
use a different user database such as a CSV file that can be exported
from a spreadsheet, or a database. Some users may want to develop
a module that uses a postNuke user database. To build a custom
authentication module, make a copy of the authentication.php file (not
authenticate.php) and implement the functions in it. Then
configure phpGedView to use your new module. PhpGedView only
interfaces with the functions in that file. You may redefine
variables or create new functions however you wish without disturbing
the interface with phpGedView.
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