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Follow the instructions in this section to install PhpGedview if you are already familiar with the
program or are familiar with installing other PHP web applications.

  1. Upload the files to your webserver
  2. Set write permissions on config.php and the "index" directory. For optimal security, you should move the "index" directory to a location outside of your webspace.
  3. Point your browser to the directory where you uploaded your PhpGedView files (
  4. Enter your configuration settings. If you moved the index directory be sure to specify the correct location to it on this page. Save the configuration paramters.
  5. Enter the default administrative user
  6. Login as this user and upload your gedcom file
  7. Save the gedcom configuration settings
  8. Import the gedcom

Optional Steps

  1. If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set write permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder
  2. If you want to upload media files using the upload media section of the admin menu then you need to set write permissions for your ./media and ./media/thumbs directory.
  3. If you want to edit your gedcom file online, the gedcom file must have write permissions set for the PHP user.
  4. If you want to use the backup feature of the upgrade utility in PhpGedView you will need to either set write permission on the PhpGedView folder itself or create a folder named backup with write permissions. The write permissions for the PhpGedView folder can be removed as soon as the backup folder is in place and has the appropiate permissions.
  5. For security you should set the permissions back to read-only when you are done editing or uploading files.


Follow these instructions if you are not familiar with PhpGedView or installing PHP applications.

*A. Upload Files:

To install PhpGedView unzip the compressed package and upload the files to a directory on your web server. If you have limited space on your server, you can save space in the following ways:
1. Do not upload the "docs" folder
2. Delete the themes from the themes folder that you do not plan on using
3. Delete some of the language files that you do not want

For optimal security, you may want to move the "index" directory to a different location outside of your web accessible space. You will specify the location of this directory during the online configuration. See the SECURITY section of the readme.txt for more information.

*B. Required File Permissions:

PhpGedView requires that Read permissions be set for all files in the phpGedView directory tree. Some hosts also require Execute permissions (chmod 755). PhpGedView requires full write permissions on the index directory (chmod 777 under most hosting configurations). PhpGedView also requires that write permissions (chmod 777) be set temporarily for the config.php file. If at any time you have troubles during configuration, check your permissions again.

There are some advanced features that require more write permissions to be set. If you want to use the language editing features you will need to set write permissions for all of the files in the ./languages folder (chmod 777). If you want to upload media files using the upload media section of the admin menu then you need to set write permissions (chmod 777) for your ./media and ./media/thumbs directories. If you want to edit your gedcom file online, the gedcom file must have write permissions set to the PHP user (chmod 777).

*C. Configuration:

Next point your web browser to the phpgedView folder ( to automatically begin the online configuration process. Information about each of the configuration options can be found online by clicking on the question mark (?) near each label.

The first configuration option allows you to choose whether you want to use Index files or MySQL for your datastore when you import your Gedcoms. Choosing Index files will import your gedcom records into a serialized file that will be created and saved in the "./index" directory. Choosing MySQL will import your gedcoms into a MySQL database. Using MySQL requires that a MySQL user, password, and database already exist. You can find more information about whether you should choose index files or MySQL in the FAQs (

If you choose Index files make sure that the browser correctly selects the authentication_index.php authentication module. With MySQL you can use authentication_mysql.php module or the index module. This should change automatically when you change from index to mysql using JavaScript.

You may reconfigure phpGedView at any time by going to phpGedView/admin.php and logging in as an administrative user and clicking on the "Configuration" link.

*D. Create Admin User

After you press the save button, you will be asked to create an administrative user and login as this user. Then click on the link labeled "click here to continue" where you will be taken to the "Manage Gedcoms" area. In the "Manage Gedcoms" area you can add Gedcoms to your site, edit the gedcom configuration, and import the gedcom into the datastore.

*E. Add Gedcom file

To add GEDCOM files to the system, you can upload your GEDCOM file using the "Upload Gedcom" option from the Admin menu. All files uploaded using the "Upload Gedcom" page, are saved in your index directory. You can also upload your gedcom manually using ftp or another file upload method. Most hosts limit the size of files that can be uploaded from a web form for security reasons, so you may be forced to use a manual method.

*F. Set Gedcom Configuration Settings

After uploading your gedcom, you will be asked to set the configuration paramters for it. There
are too many paramters to list all of their options in this readme. Please use the online help
documentation to guide you through the configuration process.

*G. Validate Gedcom

After you save the gedcom configuration PhpGedView will validate your gedcom and fix any errors that it can automatically. If any errors found in the Gedcom that require user input, you will be prompted to choose how to proceed. Again use the online help ? for more information.

*H. Import Gedcom

You are almost done. This is the final step before you can begin viewing your data. After validating the Gedcom and fixing any errors, you will need to import the gedcom into the datastore. During the Import you will see a lot of processing statistics printed on the screen. If the import completed successfully you will see a blue "Import Complete" message. Everything is now setup and you can begin using PhpGedView with your GEDCOM.

*I. Deleting Gedcoms

From the "Manage Gedcoms" area, you may delete Gedcoms from your site. Deleting a Gedcom from the site will remove it from the database but will not delete the original gedcom file that you imported.

*J. Reset config.php Permissions

For security you should set the permissions of config.php back to read-only (chmod 755) when you are done configuring for the first time. Write permissions will only need to be set for config.php when you use the Admin->Configuration link. Everything else will be stored in the index directory.

*K. Custom Themes

You may customize the look and feel of PhpGedView by modifying one of the provided themes. See the THEMES section of this readme file for more information.

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